Informationen über Separator Tightness Test Systems

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Separator Tightness Test Systems MESSEN NORD GmbH
Separator Tightness Test Systems Leak testing system ROHRTEST 4 Request Catalogue  ,,,,,, Modular Test System (pipe inspection system, sewer inspection system, trap testing equipment, house connection test system, water pressure test systems) for leak testing / condition assessment of pipes, sewer pipes, sewers, waste water pipes in the ground, land drainage, house connections, pipe joints (sleeves), sewage ducts, vacuum drainage facilities, potable water, waste water high-pressure pipes, cable pipes, boreholes, Waste water heat exchangers, oil separators, grease traps, small sewage treatment plants (CCA), septic tanks, sewage tanks (without runoff pits), slurry tanks, silage containers, secondary containment tanks, Overview of testing procedures, testing specifications and ROHRTEST system components, System overview   Test specifications:   Germany / EU: DIN EN 1610, ATV/DWA-M 143 Teil 6 (143-6), ATV/DWA-A 139, DIN 1999-100, DIN 1999-101 (FAME/Biodiesel), DIN 4040-100, DIN EN 805 (DIN 4279), LfW 4.3-6, DIN EN 12566-1, DIN 1986 Teil 30 (1986-30), DIN EN 858-1, DIN 11622, DIN 4261-1, Self-monitoring regulations (SüwV), §61a North Rhine Westphalia water law (Landeswassergesetz LWG) NRW, DIN 8074 / 8075, DIN 4060, DIN 1988, DIN EN 1928, DIN EN 20811, DIN EN 10088-2, DVGW G 469    Switzerland: SIA 190, VSA-Policy   Austria: ÖNORM B 2503  Czech Republic: CSN 756909 Italy: UNI UNI 11149 - Laying and general test and inspection of polyethylene piping systems for the transport of pressure liquids Test Software is available in following languages: german, english, french, dutch, italian, polish, czech, spanish, portuguese, croatian, danish   Testing methods::   Water low pressure test (water pressure test), water loss compensation, water pressure testing, air-pressure test (pressure air test), air-pressure test (vacuum testing), water level test (water quantity / level measurement) Test software:   Professional, data-based testing software with client, project and test object management, configurable test result formats, search and analysis tools to create summary lists and accounting records, export functions, data interface to ITV / CITI, GPS integration, separator-type database Freely available office installation for test data management and bid calculation, free annual software updates since 1993!    System modules:   Various equipment and combination possibilities as well as extra modules permit a cost effective entry with a mobile briefcase test device, as well as expansion to a universally outfitted testing vehicle.   Système d’essai d’étanchéité, System Overview ROHRTEST: Pipeline, grease trap / separator, house service connections, individual sleeve joint checking, System Overview ROHRTEST, Data sheet - Controller ST04, Data sheet - Measuring system manhole / separator, Data sheet - Measuring system water, Data sheet - High pressure , Data sheet - Individual sleeve checking air / water, Data sheet - System accessories  , Documentation and operating instructions ROHRTEST 4 V 8.8  , Système d’essai d’étanchéité ROHRTEST-4, Appareil de contrôle avec dispositif de mesure intégré «AIR/VIDE», Option : Dispositif de mesure « régulateur de débit/séparateur », Option : dispositif de mesure « EAU », Option : Dispositif de mesure « HAUTE PRESSION », Option : Essai isolé de manchon  , Ensaios estanquidade ROHRTEST-4 LGA approval for the testing of separators according to DIN 1999-100 / DIN 4040-100 dated 07 Feb 2000, approval no. 0020220-01 ROHRTEST - individual sleeve testing Request Catalogue The test system ROHRTEST can be extended to test sleeve couplings using the standard sockets with air or water, for example in line with ATV / DWA-A 143 are extended part 6. This allows pipe sections pipe sleeves / connectors to be tested / examined as part of the examination of a section of pipework.     The available components allow both a check of pipe connectors with an above ground pressure sensor as well as a quick testing time directly in the text chamber of the sleeve-testing device. Manually or automatically operated sleeve test drums, sleeve test controllers to integrate directly in the sleeve testing device and control cameras for the sleeve positions complete the system. The video digitalisation and video image mixing devices that are available with the ROHRTEST system, allow the display of the video directly on the test system.   Sleeve testing device nominal widths DN 200 - DN 700, hose length 100m, integrated cable for the measuring sensor, testing kit control and video signal, integrated monitoring camera with insertion of the measured data in the picture, testing kit control is waterproofed and suitable for all sleeve testing devices, video recording. Tags: Section test, Reach test, Joint test, Junction test, Data sheet - Individual sleeve testing, Product overview sleeve testing / vehicle conversions Water/air tightness checking vehicles, testing trailers and combination solutions Request Catalogue We support you in planning for your next test or combination vehicle. All system components like panels, distributors andconnection units, controllers, measuring devices and industrial PCs as well as proven vehicle concepts as 3D CAD models, so that you can consider the ergonomics and visual aspects of the vehicle during the drafting stage of the planning process. If it is a pure testing vehicle or one in combination with video inspection or a high pressure cleaning unit or vehicle, determines the choice of the vehicle conversion firm, this could be one of our specialised system partners, but in any case it should be the body builder of your choice. Tags: TV inspection vehicles, camera cars, leak testing vehicles, pressure tightness, sleeve testing reels, hose reels, hose drums, cable reels, cable drums, high pressure cleaning units, high pressure cleaning, video inspection system, house connections, sleeve unit verification, pipeline connections, section examination, KKA, waste water treatment plant maintenance, waste water treatment plant inspection, pipe rehabilitation, manhole rehabilitation, sewer rehabilitation, duct pressure testing, pressure testing, water loss measurement, loss of water testing, water leakage, tank testing, cable conduits, ducts, piping calibration tube calibration, calibration of sewers, cable conduits, pipe deformation measurement, contour measurement, calibration measurement systems, state water law LWG NRW §61a, state water law, Reducing extraneous water: detection and condition assessment of leaking private sewers, portable pressure testers, Mallette pour controle de pression, bushing, connection, junction, sewer, seperator Product overview sleeve testing / vehicle conversions    MESSEN NORD GmbH Zum Forsthof 2 18198 Stäbelow b. Rostock Tel.   +49 (38207) 656-0 Fax   +49 (38207) 656-66 Ansprechpartner: Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Machka ( persönliche E-Mail schreiben ) Tel.    +49 (38207) 656-16 Mobil  +49 (175) 4152354

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