SLM-VOL Tank volume measurement for sewer cleaning vehiclesMESSEN NORD GmbH
Fill level indicator for suction / cleaning vehicles Request Catalogue To record or be able to charge for the amount of suction material needs a sufficiently accurate electronic display with a documentation interface to the vehicle PC or receipt printer. A display unit will be provided suited for the particular conditions and tank design and/or measurement principles, this will be the most economically suitable system. As an option a docket printer for integration into the vehicle is available. Display for one or two tank fill levels dirty and fresh water. A fill level indicator can be created using the level dependent signal of the sensor (capacitive, ultrasonic, floating). Consideration of the piston position with an adjustable piston. Deliverable as a single unit, or as a combination with a hose length measurement device. Options: CAN-Bus connection, printer port, switching outputs Using the optional ticket printer, proof of the disposal volume using individual receipts can be achieved., Data sheet - SLM fill level indicator (English) Instructions for the tank level display SLM-VOL For the registration or invoicing of the volumes of suction materials absorbed or quantities of freshwater used, a sufficiently accurate electronic display with a documentation interface to the vehicle-PC or document printer is often required. Under the particular conditions represented by different boiler versions and measuring principles for the boiler filling level a display unit has been created that fulfils this task in a particularly efficient way. With the aid of this display device for 1 or 2 boiler fillings of waste and freshwater und also of the level-dependent signal of any kind of sensor (capacitive, super-sonic, ball float level sensor) a filling level display for up to two chambers can be realised. In doing so the piston position of any adjustment piston that might be available is taken into account. The display is available as both a separate device and in combination with a contact-free electronic tube length measuring device. The boiler volume indicator is accommodated in a robust, water-tight housing which, if required, is supplied with a stainless steel sun visor. The optional CAN-bus interface allows it to be incorporated in a vehicle control system and remote control concept. Kontaktieren Sie uns gern, wenn Sie Interesse an unseren Produkten haben. Link zur Homepage mit weiteren Informationen zu unseren Produkten und dem Kontaktformular: MESSEN NORD GmbH Zum Forsthof 2 18198 Stäbelow b. Rostock Tel. +49 (38207) 656-0 Fax +49 (38207) 656-66 Ansprechpartner: Dipl.-Ing. Steffen Machka ( persönliche E-Mail schreiben ) Tel. +49 (38207) 656-16 Mobil +49 (175) 4152354
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