Informationen über Waste Gas Treatment

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Waste Gas Treatment DAS Environmental Expert GmbH
Abscheider für Volumenströme bis zu 600m³/h mit kondensierbaren organischen Kohlenstoffverbindungen. Die Anlage verfügt über einen Abgaskühler und einen effizienten Aerosolabscheider. Das System reduziert den Gesamtkohlenstoffgehalt des Schadgases und verhindert damit ein Verblocken der Abgasleitungen mit Kondensat. Zusätzlich werden im Abgas enthaltene Stäube abgeschieden. UPTIMUM - Burn/Wet Technology for the safe and efficient treatment of CVD process gases UPTIMUM is a leading technology for waste gas combustion with a simultaneous cleaning of the remaining materials. The system can treat up to 500 slm of waste gases from CVD processes, which are fed into the combined burner-scrubber system via a maximum of four separate waste gas inlets. Unlike the ESCAPE technology, the gases are burnt from top to bottom. A liquid film on the inside wall of the reactor prevents corrosion and the sedimentation of solid particles. Soluble components are absorbed and particles suspended in the scrubbing column, which is located parallel to the reactor. Deposition gases such as SiH4, NH3 etc. and chamber cleaning gases such as NF3, F2 or SF6, can be safely and efficiently disposed of by UPTIMUM.The system is characterised by a high availability and treatment efficiency, minimum service work, a small footprint, network compatibility and low acquisition costs. Various fuel gases can be used. GIANT is a combined burner-scrubber system for higher waste gas flows. Deposition gases such as SiH4, NH3, ect. as well as chamber clean gases like NF3 or F2 can be treated safely and efficiently.